natural resources
Создано: 21.04.2018
Автор: Хабарова Ирина Вадимовна
Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region's fame was brought about by the discovery of gigantic oil and natural gas resources in its territory in the 50s and 60s. That gave a powerful impulse to the region's industrial and economic development. Modern cities were built in these remote northern outskirts of Russia: Nadym, Novy Urengoi, Noyabrsk, Muravlenko, Gubkinsky and others. Powerful fuel, energy, and oil producing complexes ware created in the region. It provides up to 90% of Russia's natural gas output and about 12% of the county's crude oil output. |
Huge condensed gas resources deserve special attention. The proven stocks of condensed gas in the region are about one billion tons; potential resources are about 5 billion tons.
Since the start of the geological study of the region 195 gas and oil fields were discovered in its territory, among them 19 unique: Medvezhie, Urengoiskoe, Yamburgskoe, Zapolyarnoe, Kharasaveiskoe, Bovanenkovskoe, «Yamalneftegazgeologia» and other geological companies carried out the geological research.
Great and diverse is the natural world of the mountains. Yet the main treasures of the Polar Ural Mountains are their solid natural resources. Throughout these years they have discovered and prospected several industrial deposits there: Yun-Yaginskoe — magnetite ores, Taikeusskoe — tanataloniobates, Kharbeiskoe — wolfram and molybdenum, Saureiskoe — lead ores, Voishorskoe — barites, Lekyntalbaiskoe — copper and molybdenum, Tyshorskoe — copper and zinc, and several others. Deposits of strategic metals were discovered in Polar Ural: manganese, platinum, chromates the latter being the largest in Russia. |
Precious stone deposits suitable for industrial mining have been prospected in Polar Ural as well as some rare metals such as rhenium, and various non-ferrous metals: lead, zinc, copper, etc. Prospected deposits of semi-precious stones, diamonds, and emeralds are also quite promising. Mining of barite deposits has started. After industrial processing this mineral is used in oil and natural gas industries, oil refinery and medicine.
Авторы-составители: Шаброва Н.С., Соснина О.Н. МБОУ СОШ №9
Просмотров: 4264
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