Детское творчество

Создано: 26.04.2018 Автор: Хабарова Ирина Вадимовна


 The frosty edge of the earth’s Yamal,

You are the best place in my life.

For months the blizzard’s sweeping here,

And my heart sings for you, Yamal!

Your depth pantries are full of gifts,

You give all them with generosity.

Deer trails are stretched for snow-covered miles.

But how can I live without you, my homeland!?!

I love the crystal waters of your lakes.

Your cities look like winter wonderlands.

There is the romance of your snowy roads,

Yamal is friendly, but it’s austere, indeed.

Long live, my lovely small land, Yamal!

Who’s got to know you, is your friend forever.

You should flourish, my Yamal, the ancient land.

You're always in my heart, you're my destiny!

Said Abdurazakov, 7 form Vyngapurovsky School

Teacher F.A.Amirova


We are all from the frozen storms

And we live behind the walls,

So we try to stay away

From the darkness on our way.

We are dreaming about calm times

Through the rifts of daily lives,

Our will is not enough

To stay happy at these rides...

But we have a tiny chance

To aware all of styles,

Ours souls like northern winds

Which are blowing from time to time.

That is why, we learn to fly

And avoid the gloomy nights.

Trees may help us to survive

And we’ll see a morning light.

Ekaterina Kutsenko, Form: 6, Vyngapurovsky School

Teacher: N.V. Kopylova


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